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Married to A Boss



  Copyright © 2015 by Lucinda John

  Published by Shan Presents

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.

  No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Holy smokes, this is my eleventh book!!!!!! I just want to thank the most high for giving me this beautiful opportunity to do something that I love. All of the blood, sweat, and tears I put into these projects are for my kids. Although I had them young, I feel as if it is my mission to strive for success everyday just so that they can know that their mother beat the odds. To all my friends and family, who stayed up with me and listened to me pitch my crazy ideas, thank you for being there for me. I appreciate it! I also want to thank my readers; you guys are the best! Thank you for reading my books, showing me love, and encouraging me to continue to write. A special thanks to the ladies of Shan Presents. You ladies are so wonderful that it is a pleasure to be a part of such a powerful movement. To every single one of you ladies keep doing your thing. You guys are so talented and I wish nothing but the best for each and every one of you. Lastly, my lovely publisher, I do not have enough ‘thank you’s’ to thank you for the wonderful opportunity that you’ve given me. You’ve been a Godsend and I really appreciate you. Thank you for always being available to me when I need you, even though half of my questions don’t make sense. LOL!! Oh, and to my editor, thank you for making this release possible. I love you all! Kisses, and enjoy!!!!!!!

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  My heart threatened to jump out of my chest as anxiety took over me. I was sitting on the private jet, surrounded by my team, anticipating getting home. Just moments ago, I received a phone call from my six-year-old daughter, crying saying that someone hurt her mother. I was coaching her on what to do next, when a piercing sound of a gunshot rang through the receiver. She screamed, then the phone went dead.

  I prayed the whole ride here that my daughter was ok. Riley was my heart. If something were to happen to her, I would lose it. My fiancée, Lisa sat next to me wearing a worried look on her beautiful face. She was chewing the inside of her cheeks, something she did to prevent her from crying. The last year, Lisa and Riley have grown extremely close. Lisa even held a great relationship with Laurie, Riley’s mother.

  My team all sat in their own thoughts ready for whatever. Today we were supposed to celebrate us joining forces with Chad, who was the grandson of the most talked about queen pin, Julie. Since the death of Julie, everything passed down to Chad. My boy, Stacks thought it was a good idea that we all ate together to avoid a war. Chad was in awe of Stacks and decided to join forces with us. We were about to flood the state of Florida with drugs, and make enough money to fill the Boeing Everett Factory, but first I had to make sure home was good.

  “Stacks, you don’t have to come with us, we’re good.” I said once the jet landed.

  Stacks recently stepped down from the throne, and passed the seat over to me. Since he decided to retire, I was now going to be running things in his absence. Stacks wasn’t even supposed to be in Miami due to the fact that he was a wanted fugitive. While under arrest, Stacks orchestrated a plan so that he could escape. He was supposed to let the dust settle before he returned.

  “You my nigga, I got yo’ back no matter what. Riley is like a daughter to me. I was holding her before you even did. I have to see about my god daughter, fuck the police,” he finalized.

  Stacks and his wife Lala, Lisa, my brother Cole, our new business partners, Chad, Rob, and I, all piled into an Escalade and headed to my house. When I got there, crime scene tape decorated the lawn. Watching the coroners pull off and drive up the street had me gasping for air. Lisa rubbed my back as tears fell from her eyes. Death was involved. I wasn’t sure who died, but the scene before me let me know that funeral arrangements were around the corner. Taking a deep breath, I opened the car door and headed to the front door, with Lisa in tow.

  “Hey, my name is Lisa. I was out of town when my daughter, Riley called saying that there was an emergency,” she spoke to a detective.

  Lisa knew that I was highly allergic to pigs and there wasn’t shit for me to say to them. I ain’t fuck with their asses, emergency or not. I was my own law enforcement, I just wanted to know about my daughter.

  “I have no information, I’m just here to collect evidence. But if you head down to Jackson Memorial Hospital with this case number, they will further assist you,” the pig responded handing Lisa a card.

  I wanted to pull my gun out and shoot this motherfucker; he knew more information than he was leading on. Tightening my grip on Lisa’s hand, she excused herself and we headed to the hospital. Looking over at Rob I could tell that he was engrossed in an intense argument by the way his eyes were dancing across his Samsung Galaxy 6 screen. I had to laugh at this because the look on his face told it all. He was in trouble with wifey. I remember being in the doghouse a couple of times myself, and that was not a place to be.

  When we made it to the hospital, everyone except for Stacks exited the car.

  “I’m here in regards to case 015623. The officer said that I could find my daughter here.”

  The nurse typed in the case number and tapped her nails against the counter, waiting for something to come up. The change in her facial expression informed me that this wasn’t right. She picked up her phone, called for Detective Good and told us to wait patiently for her.

  I was so sick and tired of motherfuckers telling me everything but what I wanted to hear. All I wanted to know was if my daughter was ok. I felt like I was getting the fucking run around and this shit was only pissing me off more. Everyone was seated in the waiting area but my nerves wouldn’t allow me to sit. I paced the floor, with thoughts of killing every motherfucker in this bitch dancing around in my head. I was about to flip the nurses station’s desk over, until a soft voice spoke.

  “Hello, I’m Detective Good. I’m here in regards to case 015623.”

  Detective Good wasn’t your average pig. She stood about 5‘5, blonde hair, blue eyes, petite body, your typically sunbathing, white girl. I could not believe with all the money I paid in taxes, they couldn’t hire at least a male head detective. How the fuck was this white chick going to catch the person behind this shit? Not that I needed her to anyways, but who would respect her soft-spoken, cheerleader looking ass.”

  “Can you tell me about my daughter Riley?” I impatiently asked.

  “Riley is fine. If it weren’t for Ginger coming home, things could have ended up badly for her.”

  Ginger was Laurie’s girlfriend. Riley’s mom was a full-blown lesbian when I met her one drunken night. One night led to another and I became the first and only man to enter her pearl gates.

  “Is Laurie ok?”

  “Laurie wasn’t too lucky; she died at the scene.”

  My heart began to ache for Riley. Riley and her mother were extremely close. I don’t know how her little heart was going to cope with the news. Yes, she did have Lisa and Ginger, but there was nothing like having your very own mother.

  “Do you know anyone that may have wanted to hurt your daughter or her mother?” she asked ca
using me to laugh.

  “What’s funny?”

  “You, thinking that you’re pretty, prissy ass can solve this case. What room is my daughter in?” I chuckled, causing Lisa to crack a smile.

  “Room 5012. If you think of anything, please feel free to contact me,” she said holding her card out.

  I watched it drop to the floor and went to search for my daughter. When I entered the room, Ginger was reading her a story while she sipped on an apple juice box. Ginger’s shoulder was bandaged and she looked as if she was in pain.

  “Hey daddy,” Riley jumped up and ran to my arms.

  “Hey baby girl, how are you?”

  “I’m good. Mommy Ginger was shot in the shoulders. I’m still looking for mommy. She was hurt when I saw her but then she disappeared,” she softly said.

  Riley was so innocent. I had no idea how I was going to break the news to her.

  “Ralph, can I have a word with you?” Ginger spoke up.

  “Princess, go with Lisa. Auntie Lala is here going to say hello.”

  I handed Riley to Lisa and watched them walk out of the room. When the door clicked, I took a seat next to Ginger and waited for her to speak. Tears pooled in her eyes and she blinked allowing them to fall.

  “She doesn’t know Laurie is dead,” she cried.

  “What happened?”

  “When I got home, Laurie was lying on the floor dead and Riley was crying. I grabbed my gun and found him trying to stuff Riley in a duffle bag. I shot him but I missed, so he turned and shot me in the shoulder. He was coming towards so I shot him in the head, right in front of her. His blood splattered all over her. She was covered in the brain matter of the guy who murdered her mother,” she hysterically cried.

  “Shhhh, it’s gon’ be ok.” I hugged her allowing a few tears of my own to fall.

  Although I was never in a relationship with Laurie, I still loved her. She was the mother of my daughter and she never gave me any problems. Unlike Amber’s ratchet ass, she never hounded me about being with her, never gave me grief when it I wanted to see my daughter, and she made great friends with Lisa.

  “What are we going to tell Riley?”

  “The truth,” I responded.

  I never lied to my daughter and I wasn’t going to start now. Yes, it was a painful situation but I wasn’t going to have her believe that her dead mother was on a vacation.

  “Oh God, this is going to break her.”

  “I know.” I stared off in space, “Do you remember how the guy looked?”

  “Yes. He was really tall, about six feet two, or six feet three, tan, buff, with a scar under his right eye,” she explained.

  “Mmm.” I racked my brain trying to match a face to that description. “You good?” I asked when I couldn’t match the face to anyone I knew.

  “Yeah, just a little bit shaken up. I called Laurie’s mom.”

  “What did she say?” I asked.

  Laurie and her mother did not get along because she decided to date women. Laurie’s family was Republicans so for her to be gay, with a baby out of wedlock, by a menace to society, was a disgrace.

  “She hung up on me. Her daughter is dead and the bitch didn’t even give a fuck.”

  “Fuck her. Let me know when you’re making funeral arrangements.”


  “Get some rest Ginger, I’m taking Riley home with me. Call me in the morning.”



  “Please don’t keep Riley away from me.”

  “I will never do that, ma. I’ll bring her back by to see you before you’re released.”

  “Thank you.

  I walked back to the waiting room and Lisa was in a heated argument with Kandi, my third baby mama. I did not have time for this shit, not today, not on the day my daughter lost her mother.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you Kandi?” I gritted.

  “I’m here with your son! I simply asked your bitch your whereabouts and she started going off like the untrained animals that she is,” Kandi spat.


  Lisa swung on Kandi and her fist connected with Kandi’s jaw. Lisa jumped on Kandi and started beating on her, while Rob held Lala back from jumping in. Kandi somehow gained control over the fight and punched Lisa in the eye. Lala kicked Rob in the balls causing him to let her go, and she charged Kandi, knocking her over. I sat back and let them fuck Kandi up, before breaking the fight up.

  “Take their asses to the car,” I barked to the fellows.

  Chad grabbed Lala, Cole grabbed Lisa, and Rob picked up Riley and they exited the premises.

  “My son good?”

  “Fuck you Ralph!” She spat blood at my feet.

  I was about to knock her dumb ass out when security came running over to us.

  “Is everything ok?” he asked.

  “We good,” I said mugging Kandi before walking away.

  I made a detour to the pediatrics’ section, and asked the front desk nurse about my son. When I walked into his room, some pretty, mixed girl with a cute baby girl, was sitting next to his bedside. Raphael was lying in the bed looking weak, as the nurse examined him.

  “Is everything ok?” I spoke up.

  “He came in with a high fever, but we were able to break it. He should be able to go home soon.” She smiled at me with lust in her eyes.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here Ralph?” Kandi smacked her lips.

  “Don’t get fucked up; today ain’t the day.” I had too much going on to be arguing with this simple bitch.

  “Prancer, you good?” she asked the pretty chick that was sitting in the chair cradling her daughter, with her eyes glued to her iPhone 6 plus.

  “I’m good,” she replied, never taking her eyes off of her phone.

  “I’m about to go. Call me when they release him,” I said, giving my son a kiss, then walking out of the room before she could reply.

  * * *

  “Daddy, is mommy ok?” Riley asked as I tucked her in her bed.

  “I have something to tell you about mommy.” I cleared my throat dreading that I had to have this conversation.

  “You remember when we talked about angels?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she nodded.

  “What is the job of an angel?”

  “To watch and protect people.”

  “Well, your mommy was doing such a great job of watching and protecting you that God needed her to be one of his angels.”

  “Mommy is dead?” she asked with tears filling up in her eyes.

  “Yes,” I sadly replied.

  Riley burst into a fit of cries as she kicked her legs. She started wailing at the top of her lungs, and for the first time I felt helpless. My baby was going through it and there wasn’t anything I could do to make it better. With a heavy heart, I kicked off my shoes and climbed into bed with her. I held my daughter in my arms as she cried.

  I remember seeing her for the first time while I was locked up. That was the day I promised to hurt anyone that caused her any type of pain. I was going to make it my personal mission to find out why someone was after Laurie. I know there was more to the story, because what Ginger was telling me didn’t add up.

  “How is she?” Lisa asked as I walked in the room.

  “She didn’t take it too well. Thank God she finally went to sleep,” I sighed.

  “Do you think we should find her a therapist?”

  “For what?”

  “To help her deal with her pain.”

  Nah, she gon’ be good. I don’t need a nosey motherfucker picking at my daughter’s brains.”

  “Ok,” she shrugged before getting in bed. “How’s the baby?”

  “He’s doing better,” I replied.

  She looked as if she was going to say something but changed her mind. I watched her as she grabbed her headphones and placed each bud in her ears. Her fingers scrolled through her phone un
til she found the sound she was looking for, pressing play. She grabbed her iPad and punched in her four-digit passcode. Once I saw her finger tap the blue Kindle app, I knew she was in her zone. Kandi wasn’t one to be fucked with while she listened to music and read. That was her way of calming her nerves.

  Giving her privacy, I showered then went down to my man cave. After smoking a few blunts I called and checked on my son. Kandi wanted to play because she kept sending my ass to voicemail. I was too drained to deal with her shit. She was slowly turning out to be another Amber. Spraying my body with some Axe spray to mask the smell of the weed, I jumped in bed with my baby girl. I wanted to let her know that daddy was going to be by her side always, no matter what.



  Before I begin, I would like to say this letter is not me throwing shade, but stating fact. I’m writing you this letter to inform you that the man you wake up to every morning, your husband, is a sneaky snake. Rob is not all innocent, as he may seem. He has done his fair share of dirt and in this letter, you will read about it all. Rob fathered twin girls, Summer and Sunday. So, it looks like you’ll be playing step mommy soon. My whole pregnancy I had to struggle because he refused to do anything, until DNA proved my girls were his. Well the results are in and in the case of two-week-old Summer and Sunday, ROBERT IS 99.9% THE FATHER!!! Ha! Tell him he’ll be hearing more from me about that. Any who, I really wanted to tell you about the death of your sister. Rob knows more about CoCo’s death than he is leading you on to believe. The night I met Rob he was stressed because he didn’t want you to find out he killed your sister. It’s amazing how good pussy will have a nigga laid up telling his deepest, darkest secrets. Yes, you read that right, Rob is the one who turned your beloved sister into dust. Sad but true. There’s more I could say, but enough damage is done. I’ll be in the sunshine state soon, then we can speak woman to woman over coffee. Tootles!


  The real MVP

  Dressed in a pair of black tights, a white and black off-the-shoulder crop top, paired with a matching pair of white and black Nikes, I sipped on my coffee as I re-read the letter I received from this mysterious bitch six weeks ago. Since I’ve received the letter, things between Rob and I haven’t been the same. He didn’t know I was aware of the contents of the letter because I didn’t confront him yet. I wanted to meet with this bitch first. I needed all the facts before I presented my case.