Married to A Boss Read online

Page 3

  Laying her down on our cream, red, and gold Botticelli Italian style comforter, I spread her legs and took a whiff of her middle. The Mad About You scent filled my nostrils, making my mouth water. Inching my lips close to her womanhood, it began to cream in anticipation. Blowing on her clit, I watched as it swelled three times its normal size. Latching on to it like a hook on a wall, I began to nurse on it, tugging it between my lips. Cinnamon tried to squirm out of my grasp so I locked my hands around her ass and held her in place.

  “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, Chad stoooooooooop!!” she hummed, as I used my tongue to apply pressure on her clit.

  My mouth was between her pussy lips, eating her pussy out as if I was in a pie-eating contest. Her legs began to shake for the third time and I felt her release her juices. Slurping it all up, I flipped her weak body on her stomach and prepared to dick her down.

  “On all fours,” I demanded.

  I watched Cinnamon get on her hands and knees, with her ass poking in the air. Rubbing on my dick, I pushed her head all the way down and hiked her ass up some more. Grabbing her left leg, I threw it over my shoulder, I was about to get balls deep up in that pussy. Holding on to her hips, I slid my dick in her and allowed her warm, wet pussy to caress my dick. I started of pumping in and out of her slowly, allowing her to cum before speeding it up.

  “Damn Cinny.” I groaned at how fucking good her pussy was. It was as good as the first time I popped her cherry.

  Cinnamon was on her fifth nut and I was trying to plant my seeds in her, until I felt something scratch against my dick.

  “Fuck!!” I yelled out, pulling my dick out of her. “The fuck ,you got razor blades in your pussy?” I asked rubbing my dick.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked quickly sitting up.

  “Why am I feeling something in your pussy rub against my dick? What the fuck you got up there?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t what I thought it was.

  “Chad, you’re over exaggerating,” she nervously replied.

  “Over exaggerating my ass.” I got up and looked through my toolbox until I found my flash light. “Lay back,” I said ready to inspect her pussy.

  “Chad, no, I am not about to let you look in my pussy with a flash light,” she scoffed.

  Putting the flashlight in my mouth, I grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her close to me, opening her legs. I used my fingers to open up her pussy lips. With the flashlight in my other hand, I searched her pussy for the mysterious object.

  “What the fuck is this? I asked trying to tug at a string that look like was about to fall out of her pussy.

  “Chad, stop!” she yelled jumping up.

  “Cinnamon, don’t play with me. What the fuck was that?” I asked following her to the bathroom.

  “Why the fuck are you invading my privacy?” she had the nerve to say.

  “Did you get an IUD?” I asked, leaning my body against the bathroom door.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “You had me feeling like some shit was wrong with me because your trifling ass couldn’t get pregnant, and you had a fucking IUD all this time?”

  “I didn’t want to have another baby,” she cried.

  “You know how I feel about birth control, Cinny. Man, you are my fucking wife, not my girlfriend or some bitch I’m fucking. We are married, and as your husband I deserve to know this shit!” I spat.

  “But all you could think about is having another baby. It’s my body and if I do not want to have another child right now, we should be able to compromise. I had CJ and Julie back to back. Damn, can my uterus relax!” she yelled.

  “I don’t give a fuck, do you,” I replied getting dressed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To mind my fucking business!!” I left the house feeling like I had steam coming out of my ears.

  Cinnamon knew how strongly I felt against birth control. I would have settled for pulling out instead of her fucking up her body with all these bullshit ass conceptions. I drove around the neighborhood with no destination in mind. Stopping at a red light, I lit a pre-rolled blunt and began relaxing myself. The weed was fucking with my head so badly, that I thought I saw Prancer. When the light turned green, I pulled into The Hilton Hotel and made a reservation for the night. Cinnamon was blowing me up, so I turned my phone off and left it in the car.



  Running my fingers through my hair, I stood in the full-length mirror in my walk-in closet and studied myself. It’s been one week since Chad found out about the IUD, and my home has not been the same since. He would interact with the kids, but walk past me like I didn’t exist. I even tried going to bed in my birthday suit, body oiled down, legs spread wide open, and that nigga had the nerves to get naked only to climb in bed next to me and fall asleep.

  Chad was starting to irk my fucking nerves with his stubbornness. I understand he was upset, but this was my body. Chad didn’t understand how hard it was to be pregnant; the constant throwing up, heartburn, body aches, and let’s not forget labor pains. The only thing he wanted to do is have me popping out babies without considering how I felt. It’s not like I wouldn’t compromise and have another baby for him. I just wasn’t ready for one right now.

  I finally managed how to schedule taking care of two toddlers, my husband, work, and have a life of my own. Adding a baby to the equation would only complicate things. Chad didn’t want to see things my way; all he wanted was a house filled with kids.

  The smell of Chad’s cologne greeted me as he walked into the closet. He went to his side of the closet without so much of a hello, and started rummaging through his clothes. He pulled out the outfit he was looking for, then went to his shoe collection to search for the shoes to match.

  “Can you watch the kids? I need to get my hair done?” I asked, still watching him through the mirror.

  “When did you ever have to ask me to watch you kids?” he snapped.

  “I thought you were going somewhere,” I replied, nodding towards the clothes that were in his hand.

  “Go handle your business.” He walked out the closet.

  I was about to follow him and curse his ass out, but my ringing phone stopped me.

  “Yes ma?” I snapped, pissed at Chad.

  “I was gonna ask if everything is good between you and Chad, but I guess not.”

  “Chad is being so stubborn,” I sighed.

  “I have to side with him on this one. What you did was selfish.”

  “Why, Mom? This is my body.”

  “Yes, that’s true, but when a man and woman join together in marriage, they become one. Meaning, decisions are supposed to be made between the both of you.”

  “Ma, I know, but I’m not trying to have any more babies. CJ and Julie are enough for me right now.”

  “Tell that to your husband. Don’t go sticking stuff up your coochie without consulting with him first.”


  “I don’t know why you and Honey decided to have marital problems at the same time. Y’all driving me crazy and I ain’t even married.”

  When Honey came to me and told me she was going to get a divorce, I thought she was bluffing; until she came to pick me up one day to go lawyer shopping. I loved Rob like a brother, but what he did to her was the ultimate betrayal. How do you marry someone knowing that you have twins somewhere by someone else? I tried putting myself in her shoes, and I couldn’t fathom going through what she was currently experiencing.

  The clicking sound of my phone shook me out of my thoughts. My mom must have hung up on me after not hearing me respond to her. Putting my phone down, I dressed myself in an orange maxi dress, gold sandals, and my gold Rolex. Brushing my hair, I put it in a high ponytail.

  Chad had the kids at the table eating a snack when I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and kissed my babies before leaving the house. Before I could pull out of the driveway, I spotted Cha
d on the porch, shirtless, smoking a blunt. My mouth started to drool as his muscles flexed and glistened in the sun. His ass knew what he was doing. Hmm, I was due to get some tonight even if I had to take it.

  Honey’s salon was so full that I had to park on the street. Today was Friday and the first of the month, so everybody was paid. All the hood rats were in the building spending their benefits checks to get fresh for the club tonight.

  “Hey Cinnamon,” Tara, the front desk specialist greeted me.

  “Hey Tara, where is Honey?”

  “In her office.”

  After greeting everyone, I headed to the back where Honey’s office was located. I could hear crying so I pressed my ear to the cherry wood door to get a better listen.

  “Rob, it is over for us. Just sign the damn papers, please,” she sternly said.

  I didn’t hear a response so I figured she was on the phone with him. He must have said something that hit home because she started crying again. It hurt me to the core that my sister was hurting behind another man. She was a great, loving, caring person, and she deserved a man that gave her the world.

  I tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. Knocking on the door, I waited for her to answer.

  “Who is it?” she asked trying to mask her pain.

  “It’s me.”

  I heard her shuffling around the room before she came and opened the door.

  “Hey Cinny, how are you?” she smiled.

  “Cut it out Honey, you don’t have to pretend with me. Are you ok?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Why do you do that?” I asked.

  “Do what?”

  “You never want to open up to me.

  For as long as I could remember, Honey was always there for me and my late sister, CoCo; but when it came to her problems, she kept them a secret. Growing up, I didn’t even think Honey had any tears, because she never cried or showed any emotions around us.

  “Cinnamon, you are my baby sister. It is my job to be there for you, not burden you with my problems.”

  “But it’s no burden at all,” I said using my fingers to wipe the tears that fell from her eyes.

  “Enough about me, how are you and Chad?”

  “Chad is still being Chad.”

  “Mmm, give him some time, he’ll get over it.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Ohhh child, maybe if we do something about this bird’s nest that’s on the top of your head, he’ll come to his senses,” she laughed.

  “I am looking rough,” I laughed.

  “Rough ain’t the word.”

  I was sitting in Honey’s chair getting a bob sew-in, when a bad chick walked through the door. Her hair was wrapped in a green and gold silk scarf that matched the green and gold romper she wore. On her feet was a pair of green and gold sandals. The way her ass sat up in that romper had me staring, and I didn’t even swing that way.

  “Hey Lisa, I’ll be right with you boo,” Honey greeted her.

  “Take your time, cuz you’re the only one I’m letting touch my hair.”

  Honey finished me up and I was living. She had the left side of my bob longer than the right side and the way she hand curled it, had me feeling myself.

  “Hey Lisa, this is my baby sis, Cinnamon. Cinny, this is one of my favorite clients, Lisa.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she smiled, extending her hand.

  “Likewise,” I replied shaking it.

  I took a seat next to Honey and watched her do Lisa’s hair. My phone beeped, and a text from Chad popped up.

  MY ROCK: Be ready at 10pm, I’m coming by to pick you up. The kids are with my mom so you ain’t gotta worry about them.

  ME: Where are we going?”

  MY ROCK: Don’t question me, do as I say.

  ME: Well damn, can you at least tell me what to wear?

  MY ROCK: To a club.

  ME: What club?

  MY ROCK: Bye Cinnamon, I’m trying to work.

  Rolling my eyes, I went to the nail section of Honey’s salon and got a manicure and pedicure. I had Sue Lee hook up my lashes, and eyebrows as well; had me feeling brand new.



  I had too much going on to be heading out to the club, but Cinnamon insisted that I go with her. I was tired of wearing a fake smile and acting as if everything was ok. Everyone knew that Rob and I were separated because he cheated and had outside kids. I didn’t tell them about him killing CoCo because that would be picking at an old scab. The pain that I was feeling was so bad that I thought of going back to drugs.

  A while back before I met Rob, I was in love with a man name Victor, or Vic as we all called him. He came into my life when my sister and I were going through a hard time, and basically saved us. In return, I gave him my heart that he’d badly broken. During the course of our relationship, I found out the Victor had a wife and kids; now history was repeating itself.

  What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I find someone to love me? I pondered as I glossed my lips. My gold skin looked flawless under the fluorescent bathroom light. I was the mix breed of the family. Before my mother met CoCo and Cinnamon’s father, she was with mine, who was a white man. Slipping my feet into a pair of ivory, six-inch pumps, I stood back and admired myself.

  Although in the inside I felt like shit, on the outside I was flawless. My once boy-cut, short hair had grown, so I had it styled in a natural short curly penelope do. I had my curls dyed honey brown and the color on me made my face pop. The only thing that was white about me was my skin complexion, because I had me one of those Shanaynay’s from the projects, body.

  I was killing the game in my one-piece ivory and black sleeveless, skinny jumpsuit. The front and back was mesh, so it showed a lot of my cleavage and the back had a dip that stopped right above my ass. Spraying my body down with some perfume, I went downstairs to let my mother know I was leaving.

  I closed on a three-bedroom, two and a half bathroom townhouse a few days ago. Everything was ready for Rob Jr. and I to move in, but I wasn’t ready to be alone yet. I didn’t want to accept my reality. Moving into my new home sealed the deal on my marriage; although I didn’t want to be with him anymore, my heart didn’t want to let him go.

  In my mother’s room, Rob Jr. was knocked out in the co-sleeper that was attached to her bed, and she was up reading a book.

  “Ma, I’m out.”

  “Oh baby, you look nice,” she smiled. “Try to enjoy yourself, you need it.”

  “I will try, mama. Call me if he gets too fussy.”

  “Nonsense, I got my grandson, go enjoy your night.”

  Kissing her on the cheek, I then kissed Rob Jr. and left the house. Instead of driving to the club, I found myself in the slums. I kept telling myself I was only going to buy a pound of pressure, but the devil kept telling me I needed something stronger. My Fendi pumps touched the pavement and I nervously walked to one of the trap houses.

  “Aye ma, who you looking for?” a sexy man asked. He reminded me so much of Hakeem from “Empire”.

  “I’m here to cop,” I whispered clearing my throat.

  “Cop what?” he asked looking at me sideways.

  “I got one hundred dollar, so that much worth.”

  Licking his lips, the diamond that he wore on his tongue caught me by surprise.

  “Nah ma, this ain’t you. You don’t even know what it is you’re trying to cop,” he said eyeing me from head to toe.

  “I can just cop somewhere else,” I bluffed, hoping he would give some type of drugs to ease this pain. If I went anywhere else, I could risk running into Rob or one of his workers.

  “Ma, I got multiple block on lock. All it takes is one phone call of your description and no one will serve you.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” I cried.

  His strong arms caught me before I could fall to the floor. He held me as I cried out all the hurt and pain I kept
bottled in. I didn’t want my mother or Cinnamon to worry about me, so around them I had to act like everything was okay, when everything was really falling apart.

  “It’s gon’ be cool ma,” he whispered in my ears as we swayed back and forth.

  The cool breeze from the night sky was blowing, making me a little cold. He picked up on it and wrapped his arms around me tighter. For some odd reason I felt so safe and secure in the arms of this stranger. He smelled like weed and Winterfresh gum, with a little bit of his cologne lingering on his skin.

  “I should get going,” I whispered.

  “You don’t have to. We can chill a bit and talk, if that’s what you want to do.”

  “I don’t even know you,” I said pushing away from him.

  “I’m Cole. You?” he said, wrapping his arms tighter around me.


  “Hmm Honey…you look like a jar of honey too,” he joked, causing me to let out a soft chuckle. “Oh shit na, I got her to laugh.”

  “You’re so silly. You look just like Hakeem from Empire.”

  “I get that a lot. I ain’t that nigga but I can make that thing drip drop tho’.” He kissed my neck causing my body to shiver.

  Saved by the bell, I thought as my phone began to ring. Stepping back, I answered the phone.

  “Honey, where are you?” Cinnamon yelled over the loud music.

  “I’m on my way now,” I replied.

  “Ok, see you when you get here,” she said before hanging up the phone.

  “That was my sister. I was supposed to meet up with her,” I said looking into his handsome face.

  “That’s what’s up, I got some work to do anyways. Hand me your phone.” He grabbed it from me before I could hand it to him. He flipped the screen to me so that I could unlock the phone.

  Punching his number in the keypad, he called his phone, then saved his number in my phone. He then pulled out his phone and locked my number in.

  “See you later Honey bun,” he smiled licking his lips.